Lumber Market (Holzmarkt)
A long square on which the St. George Fountain (Georgsbrunnen) can be found on the northern Side of the Collegiate Church. During the Summer the Lumber Market is a popular meeting place among students.
Hermann Hesse spent some time (1895-1899) as an apprentice in the red house at Heckenhauer bookseller and surely enjoyed the view of the Collegiate's nuptial gateway and stairs.
In 2013 the University City of Tübingen opened here the Hesse-Kabinett which features an exhibition of documents and reproductions regarding the life and work of the poet ad Nobel-Prizewinner – and most-read German language author of the 20th century. From the cabinet’s first floor there is a nice view of the Collegiate Church and its side windows, which are decorated with reliefs of the church’s patrons: Mary, George and Martin.