Movie Theatres
Not only mainstream movies may be viewed In Tübingen. The theatres Arsenal and Atelier regularly show movies off the beaten tracks, quite often for months in a row. Both places are pubs and movie theatres in one. This does not mean that one has to miss out on current or best selling movies when living in Tübingen. Three big movie theatres – Museum, Blaue Brücke and Löwen – bring the latest movies to the university town. These theatres as well emphasize movies for children and teenagers.
The "Filmtage Tübingen" enrich Tübingen's cineastic world while presenting several film festivals, including some international. Some examples are the French Film Festival, CineLatino, Short Film Festival, Outdoor Movie Summer Night and the Tübinger Filmnächte (Tübingen's Film Nights). For more information, please see our festival site.